Get Involved
Your tax-free donation amplifies the traditionally marginalized voices of Asian, Pacific Island, and Desi/South Asian American artists. Thank you.
Any amount helps lift the work of Asian, Pacific Island, and Desi/South Asian American artists. No amount is too small! When you donate to APIDA Arts, you are directly supporting the 2025 APIDA Arts Festival.
- The 2023 APIDA Arts Festival...
- Hired over 125 artists and staff
- Provided free education to 75 workshop participants
- Showcased 35 performances and demonstrations
We Currently:
Host an APIDA artists database in Chicago with hundreds of entries - Provide networking for APIDA artists and potential employer
- Produce several art events throughout the year
- And MORE
- $25 pays for snacks for artists
- $50 pays for food for the artists
- $100 pays one artist with over 100 artists participating
- $300-500 pays for one staff member with over 20 staff
- $1,000 pays for operating costs
- Contact us for more details on how your support helps artists flourish

Meet our partners

Become a Sponsorship Partner
SPONSOR APIDA artists in Chicago
The 2025 APIDA Arts Festival offers sponsorship levels and benefits packages, which include on-site activation opportunities, branding inclusion on collateral materials, online and in-media announcements, social media promotions, VIP seats for staff and clients, tickets to the After-party, and much more. A sponsorship package can also be customized to meet the unique needs of your business. CONTACT US for a Sponsorship Package.